Making the right savings and investment choices for you and your family is a big decision. Circumstances can also change which is why it’s so important to review your financial situation on a regular basis to ensure you are on target to achieving your financial goals.
Use our range of calculators, guides, product information, and useful links all of which are designed to help with your financial planning.
The content contained within this section, including all tools, guides and product information is brought to you by Phoenix Customer Care, a Phoenix Group company.
Savings calculator
It’s easy to spend far more money than we realise on life’s little luxuries. Use this calculator to work out how much you’re spending on those treats and extras - it’s amazing how much you could save by cutting out some of the things you, and your waistline, could do without! Or, if you can’t resist, think about swapping those expensive branded choccie biscuits or soft drinks for supermarket own-brands.
How much could you save?
Just fill in roughly how much you spend on ‘snacks between meals’, ‘weekly treats’ and so on, each day, week or month. Hit the ‘calculate’ button and we’ll show you how much you spend in a year.
Inflation calculator
As prices go up, the amount you can buy with your money reduces, and it’s easy to underestimate the real impact that rising prices, or ‘inflation’ can have on your spending power over the years.
What’s the real value of your money?
It’s important to manage your savings so that your money grows, offsetting the effects of inflation and hopefully giving you a little extra to boot. Use our calculator to see how inflation could affect the real value of your money over time.