To find information about your with-profits policy, choose the fund your policy is invested in from the options below. Your policy documents will say what type of policy you have. If you’re not sure what type of policy you have please contact us.
If you’d like to understand when we pay annual and final bonuses, and how we work them out, please see our guide to how with-profits bonuses work.
We’d like to explain the role of the With-Profits Committee
The With-Profits Committee (WPC) works solely in the interests of with-profits policyholders like you. It’s independent of Phoenix Life. It gives advice to us on the fair treatment of with-profits policyholders, and raises any issues it feels we need to consider. Meet the committee members.
We explain in more detail what the committee does in the With-Profits Committee Terms of Reference. Our regulators set out what we need to include in the terms of reference so it has more technical information in it.
Here’s a reminder of what a with-profits fund is
A with-profits fund is a pooled investment where all policyholders pay money into the fund through their premiums. There are lots of different ways they can work and we explain how in the Questions & Answers on the funds.
If you took out your policy with Britannic Unit Linked Assurance Limited or Allianz Cornhill Insurance, your policy is invested in:
What are the Principles and Practices of Financial Management?
We explain how we manage your with-profits fund in the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM). It’s a technical document that’s used by financial professionals to understand how we run our business. The principles cover our long term approach and the practices are shorter-term. The practices may change more often as we respond to changes in the business and economic climate.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
To help you understand how we manage our with-profits fund we include all the information you need in our Q&As below. These explain in simple language how we do things, including how we invest your money and how we work out how much to pay you.
Information leaflet
What’s the latest information on my policy?
You can find out the latest information on your policy here.
Your questions answered
Here are answers to some questions we’re often asked about policies like yours and how they’re performing. We include answers on where your money is invested and how we work out bonuses.
Q&As for policies invested in the 90% With-Profits Fund
Annual report
Our latest annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited 90% With-Profits Fund shows you how we’ve managed our with-profits business during the year in line with our Principles and Practices of Financial Management. It shows what we’ve done to make sure we treat you fairly.
Annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited 90% With-Profits Fund
If you took out your policy with Britannic Assurance, used to make (weekly) payments to a collector, but now make payments by post or standing order, you have an ‘Industrial Branch’ policy. Your policy is invested in:
What are the Principles and Practices of Financial Management?
We explain how we manage your with-profits fund in the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM). It’s a technical document that’s used by financial professionals to understand how we run our business. The principles cover our long term approach and the practices are shorter-term. The practices may change more often as we respond to changes in the business and economic climate.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
To help you understand how we manage our with-profits fund we include all the information you need in our Q&As below. These explain in simple language how we do things, including how we invest your money and how we work out how much to pay you.
Information leaflet(s)
What’s the latest information on my policy?
You can find the latest information on your policy here.
Your questions answered
Here are answers to some questions we are often asked about policies like yours and how they’re performing. We include answers on where your money is invested and how we work out bonuses.
Q&As for policies invested in the Britannic Industrial Branch Fund
Annual report
Our latest annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic Industrial Branch Fund shows you how we’ve managed our with-profits business during the year in line with our Principles and Practices of Financial Management. It shows what we’ve done to make sure we treat you fairly.
Annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic Industrial Branch Fund
If you took out your policy with Britannic Assurance and pay your premiums monthly, quarterly, half-yearly, yearly or in a single premium, you have an ‘Ordinary Branch’ policy. Your policy is invested in the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund.
What are the Principles and Practices of Financial Management?
We explain how we manage your with-profits fund in the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM). It’s a technical document that’s used by financial professionals to understand how we run our business. The principles cover our long term approach and the practices are shorter-term. The practices may change more often as we respond to changes in the business and economic climate.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
To help you understand how we manage our with-profits fund we include all the information you need in our Q&As below. These explain in simple language how we do things, including how we invest your money and how we work out how much to pay you.
Information leaflet(s)
What’s the latest information on my policy?
You can find the latest information on your policy here.
Information leaflet for with-profits bonds taken out since 21 January 2002
Your questions answered
Here are answers to some questions we are often asked about policies like yours and how they’re performing. We include answers on where your money is invested and how we work out bonuses.
Q&As for with-profits bonds taken out since 21 January 2002
Annual report
Our latest annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund shows you how we’ve managed our with-profits business during the year in line with our Principles and Practices of Financial Management. It shows what we’ve have done to make sure we treat you fairly.
Annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund
The types of policies where the money is invested in what’s called traditional with-profits are shown here:
- Endowment and whole of life policies with a basic sum assured
- Retirement annuity policies with a basic annuity
What are the Principles and Practices of Financial Management?
We explain how we manage your with-profits fund in the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM). It’s a technical document that’s used by financial professionals to understand how we run our business. The principles cover our long term approach and the practices are shorter-term. The practices may change more often as we respond to changes in the business and economic climate.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
To help you understand how we manage our with-profits fund we include all the information you need in our Q&As below. These explain in simple language how we do things, including how we how we invest your money and how we work out how much to pay you.
Information leaflet(s)
What’s the latest information on my policy?
You can find the latest information on your policy here.
Information leaflet for endowment and whole of life policies
Information leaflet for retirement annuities
Your questions answered
Here are answers to some questions we’re often asked about policies like yours and how they’re performing. We include answers on where your money is invested, and how we work out bonuses.
Q&As for traditional policies invested in the Britannic With-Profits Fund
Annual report
Our latest annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund shows you how we’ve managed our with-profits business during the year in line with our Principles and Practices of Financial Management. It shows what we’ve done to make sure we treat you fairly.
Annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund
The types of policies where the money is invested in unitised with-profits are shown here:
- Capital Builder
- Easybuild or Lowstart mortgage endowment
- Personal Pension Plan
- Pension Plus FSAVC (Free Standing Additional Voluntary Contribution) plan
- Portfolio Investment Bond
- Portfolio With-Profits Bond (IFA version)
- With-Profits ISA (individual savings account)
What are the Principles and Practices of Financial Management?
We explain how we manage your with-profits fund in the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM). It’s a technical document that’s used by financial professionals to understand how we run our business. The principles cover our long term approach and the practices are shorter-term. The practices may change more often as we respond to changes in the business and economic climate.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
To help you understand how we manage our with-profits fund we include all the information you need in our Q&As below. These explain in simple language how we do things, including how we how we invest your money and how we work out how much to pay you.
Information leaflet(s)
What’s the latest information on my policy?
You can find the latest information on your policy here.
Information leaflet for Capital Builder or mortgage endowment (unitised life policy)
Information leaflet for Personal Pension Plan (UK)
Information leaflet for Personal Pension Plan (Channel Islands)
Information leaflet for Pension Plus (Free Standing AVC Plan)
Information leaflet for Portfolio Bond
Information leaflet for Portfolio With-Profits Bond (IFA version)
Information leaflet for With-Profits ISA (individual savings account)
Your questions answered
Here are the answers to some questions we’re often asked about policies like yours and how they’re performing. We include answers on where your money is invested and how we work out bonuses.
Q&As for unitised policies invested in the Britannic With-Profits Fund
Q&As for ISA policies invested in the Britannic With-Profits Fund
Annual report
Our latest annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund shows you how we’ve managed our with-profits business during the year in line with our Principles and Practices of Financial Management. It shows what we’ve done to make sure we treat you fairly.
Annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund
If you purchased your policy through Britannic Retirement Solutions Limited, you have a with-profits annuity invested in the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund.
- Your policy provides you with a regular income and the amount of income is reviewed each year
What are the Principles and Practices of Financial Management?
We explain how we manage your with-profits fund in the Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM). It’s a technical document that’s used by financial professionals to understand how we run our business. The principles cover our long term approach and the practices are shorter-term. The practices may change more often as we respond to changes in the business and economic climate.
Principles and Practices of Financial Management (PPFM)
To help you understand how we manage our with-profits fund we include all the information you need in our Q&As below. These explain in simple language how we do things, including how we how we invest your money and how we work out how much to pay you.
Information leaflet(s)
What’s the latest information on my policy?
You can find the latest information on your policy here.
Information leaflet for with-profits annuities
Your questions answered
Here are answers to some questions we are often asked about policies like yours and how they’re performing. We include answers on where your money is invested and how we work out bonuses.
Q&As for with-profits annuities
Annual report
Our latest annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund shows you how we’ve have managed our with-profits business during the year in line with our Principles and Practices of Financial Management. It shows what we’ve done to make sure we treat you fairly.
Annual report for the Phoenix Life Limited Britannic With-Profits Fund