If you’re not sure which fund you are invested in or have any other questions, please contact us.
We have also produced a useful guide to how we work out unit-linked prices.
Guide to how we work out unit-linked prices
Important information about fund prices
- Prices are shown in pence (Sterling). For example, 101 means £1.01.
- The offer price is the price you pay for each unit.
- The bid price is the price you get when you sell each unit. If you switch between funds, you will normally sell units at the bid price in the first fund and buy units at the bid price in the second.
- The price of units can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed. However, there are a number of cash based funds where Phoenix Life is currently guaranteeing that the bid price will not fall.
- Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance.
- To view a fund factsheet, please click on the name of the fund. If the factsheet for your fund is not available, please send us an email.
- If you invest in a with-profits fund, please visit the with-profits section.
- Property Funds: Effective from 2 October 2024, following a vote by investors, a change to the name and investment objective of the underlying fund is being made by abrdn. The change means that the fund will no longer invest only in UK Commercial Property and will now invest in direct property in the UK as well as property-related investments worldwide. The change is intended to allow the continuation of daily dealing and remove the potential that long notice periods would be required to transact in units. The change in name of the underlying asset removes the reference to UK. Further information on the Fund can be found on www.abrdn.com. Please note we are not responsible for the content of third-party websites.